Saturday, February 25, 2006

Final Farewell

A few months late but never too late, if you know what I mean. :-)

To my loyal readers: It has been a privilege writing to all of you, laughing with you and sharing my own experiences as a freshman in college. Although I do have quite a few funny memories to share, I know there is not enough to keep a blog going.

I just simply do not have the time to keep on writing in this blog.

I do keep up, however, on my 'regular' blog known as "A Day in the Life of a College Student". If you would like to catch up on my more shall we say 'Normal' life, then I welcome you to that blog, found here.

And in case the above link does not work...

A Day in the Life of a College Student

Again thanks for reading my blog, and if you are looking for more funny posts, might I suggest the Archives to the right, or my previous posts?

Enjoy and I hope to talk with you all again in the future.